
a balancing act

Thursday, July 28

How *do* you have it all?

I'm really good at is helping people solve problems. People will send their friends to me to help them find jobs. When someone is in crisis I can dissect the issue pretty quickly and come up with a dozen things to try or people to call. I don't think I'm the fairy godmother or anything, but I know that I at least get people thinking about new ways of looking at their lives.

So why can't I do this for myself?

Of course, this is totally common. The whole cobbler's children never have new shoes, or whatever the saying is. But it's beginning to frustrate me. I do ask for help--it's one of my survival skills--but what I really need is someone to map out the plan for me and help me stay on track. My coach suggested I get a conference call with a group of my favorite smart women and brain storm. Of course, I'll take it a step further and invite them over for wine. (I'm still trying to figure out how to get my working moms group to drink wine at our gatherings...)wine just makes it all better.) The thing that's holding me back? What if they come up with all sorts of fabulous ideas and I don't do anything with them? I would be so humiliated.

Another issue I have to sort out: I miss being a project manager. Not the operational piece, the budget tracking and the paperwork. But I miss being right in the middle of all the details of the project and working really closely with the clients. Since we're in between PMs right now I'm doing a lot of this work and I forgot how much I love it. It's easy! The responsibilities and the decisions are clear. I've toyed with the idea of just hiring someone to do the operations piece, an account coordinator, and going back to the structure we had before I got pregnant and the business exploded...but it's not going to work. It's really not working all that well right now, if I'm really honest. But there are lots of aspects to this work that I miss.

And then there's the other idea that always rears it's ugly little But do I really want to do everything, and do it alone? No, I don't think so. There has to be a solution in the middle, that will also allow me to have a baby next year.

Oy. Am I really doing this again?


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